Welcome to the Transformation Backbone

We are building a state of the art skills training platform for organizations who wants to make speed and collaborative decision-making their competitive advantage.

The platform will be available early 2025 and it will help you infuse skills that drastically improves speed, strategic progress, problem-solving and collaborative decision making into the way you naturally work at all levels of your organization.

For early access and customized support from Per Hugander
fill in this form and we will contact you.

Featured in:

To learn about the benefits of focused skills training read Per’s articles in MIT Sloan Management review.

To learn about the models that will be the foundation of our skills training platform visit Leadership Backbone where Per shares thoughts, tools and clips that can help you start your development journey today.

Take a Skills based approach to culture change (mit.edu) Skills Training links Psychological Safety to revenue growth

Free tools

If you give us your email we will alert you when the Transformation Backbone skills training platform is launched and If you want to start training your Perspective Taking skills right now then add your email below and we will send you 2 exercises right now, free of charge.